Lessons Learned in 2018
1. You’ve to be open to receiving love just as much as giving it. I’ve learned that receiving love means being vulnerable to the limitless love that you have from your parents, family, friends and significant other. It’s okay to accept their affection and acts of service. When you receive love, you realize how much happiness there is in giving it.
2. I’ve realized that living alone I’ve developed scheduleless independent existence that lacks structure. I’ve got to get back on a schedule, and I need to learn to work together with my significant other and bring more structure into our lives.
3. Saving money requires a lot of patience. Not buying something the second I want it is a game of patience. I’m working on it everyday.
4. My parents are not going to live forever. That scares the heck out of me. After losing all my grandparents, I’m scared of it all. I need to spend as much time with them as possible, but continue to live my independent life.
5. I’ve got to let go of some friendships. I’ve realized that some people are there for certain seasons of your life and a handful (if you’re lucky) are there for you forever. Those are the ones to focus on. Screw the rest. Prioritize friendship. If people don’t make you a priority, then put them in the basic economy airline seat of your life, not first class. That friend that comes to the emergency room, is there for every happy moment in your life, and helps you emotionally and/or financially is WAY more valuable then your friend that you just go to social events with.
6. I need to prioritize my health. Prior to 2015, 2014 actually I was pretty skinny. I took a look at my Fitbit scale log record online, and I gained 25 pounds during my masters in 2015. I guess working and school full time does that to you. After getting into a relationship and my crazy new job, I wasn’t able to get that weight off. I’m at a point where I’m ready to say no to social events, get togethers and everything else if my health is not a priority. For me, working out gives me life and energy. I used to be a person who would workout 5 times a week and would especially prioritize working out longer before a social event. I need to get there again, because not only will it be helpful in losing weight, it makes me feel SO DAMN good.
7. Confidence is SEXY. At almost 31 in a month, I am pretty sure I know who I am and I’ve learned that I’ve got one body and one soul. While my body may not be up to the standards I want it to be, my soul and personality are still a shining light. I am confident with WHO I am, body and soul. I’ve accepted my flaws and strengths. I’ve taken that confidence in every factor of my life.
8. Some people like you. Some don’t. Who cares? Focus on your tribe. That’s all that matters. Don’t let the insecurity of who doesn’t like you or who you can’t build a connection with fester up inside you. This world is huge. There are tons of people. You will find your tribe.
9. Life is a battle between technology and being present. I need to be MORE present. Parts of me have become a phone zombie. I’ve realized that every time my phone dies, I pay attention to my friends more and have more meaningful conversation. I have always been attached to my phone thinking that I need something to do when chatting with people. That’s simply not true. Try it. Go to a party, take your pictures and Snapchats the first half hour, and then just keep your phone in your jacket until your ready to leave. You’ll be surprised on how engaged you can be.
10. My body is a TEMPLE, not a TRASH can. I’m capitalizing it to remind myself. I got to start treating it that way. American food is super processed, and I need to eat food with the least chemicals as possible. The same goes with my shampoos and makeup products. I will be eliminating cancer causing products from my makeup, food, and shampoos from my house in 2019.
11. I’m obsessed with white. My best friend says I always have been. Thanks mom! I get that from you. Also, I’m obsessed with home decor, and I have to walk away from it sometimes.
12. Vitamins need to be my new best friend. Vitamin D especially. I feel an instant mood change for the better when I have vitamin D consistently.
13. Being a blogger is hardwork! I’ve a ton of respect for all other bloggers that consistently create new content.
14. I’ve got to go strongly after my passions! Whether it is music or blogging. I just got to believe it’ll work!