Hi All,
Turning 30 in the next week has led me to some self reflection that I've been actively working on. One of the things important for me are trying to remain positive through some of the storms in life. As my boyfriend says: "We are constantly approaching a storm, in a storm, or trying to get out of one", so it's very important to try to figure out how to to stay happy through life's challenges, which, to be honest, will continually be growing. This is an aspect of life that I will have to balance. Here are things I have learned that will keep me positive and happy.
1) Be Grateful: In light of negative circumstances, always be thankful for the people that love you and what you currently have.
2) Friends do expire, and change and focus on ones that bring positivity, sympathy, and focus into your life. Always surround yourself with positive, supportive people that are going to bring you up and not down.
3) Don't sweat the small stuff & let it go: This one is really hard for me. I try to focus on letting go of small things.
4) Get 8 hours of sleep: When, will I ever learn this? My hormones will be thankful and I won't be cranky.
5) Drink 8 glasses of water: I struggle with this one, but when I do, it keeps me more active and energized. I am going to try buying this smart water bottle:
6) Live minimally: This is something I'm working on. Throughout the year, I plan to clean the clutter on my computer, phone, and physical space. I think peacefulness in your physical and virtual space is essential.
7) Pray, meditate or dedicate phone free time: Even 20 minutes a day of free time, calms me down. I know it can be kind of unsafe to walk around without your phone, but not having my phone, tv, or music on for 20 minutes a day keeps me calm.
8) Give to charity with your time: I was listening to a Ted talk the other day that talked about how people who give to others are much happier individuals. Focus on volunteering on something you're passionate about.
9) Pick the most important battles to argue over, and express the feelings you have in a constructive manner. Don't get overly worked up or emotional. Express how you feel simply and shortly.
10) Don't be overly critical: Don't criticize someone on every little thing. I have people in my life that have to point out the tiniest thing to their advantage. Not worth it. Respect yourself and respect other people. Not everything is worth pointing out. Be mature. It’s not worth it.
That's it for me: What are the ways that you try to stay positive?
I hope you soar into positivity this year! The dress below is from Francesca’s!